Modernise a legacy product

UX Designers working on a digital product design

Transform, refresh, and optimise your legacy digital products to create a modern user experience, increase engagement, improve efficiency, and boost ROI.


Upgrade your digital products and services to the next level with our product modernisation solution. 

We help transform, scale, and modernise your exisiting products or services to ensure they remain valuable, effective, and competitive.

Using user-centric research and design methodologies, the result is an updated product experience that leverages new opportunities, surpasses customer expectations, future-proofs your product, and delivers a competitive advantage.

Who is it for?

Any organisation looking to refresh their legacy products and bring them to modern day standards.

Relevant Scenarios

  • We want to modernise and refresh our legacy digital products.
  • We need to define a roadmap for digital transformation / modernisation.
  • Our product is falling behind the competition.
  • We want to completely overhaul our product as we transition/transform its architecture.

Activities & outcomes

Modernising legacy products is not just about refreshing the look and feel, it goes beyond that by gathering user-centric research in order to transform and scale your offering helping you have a competitor advantage.

Typical Activities

  • Stakeholder interviews
  • Auditing + analysis
  • Moderated user testing
  • Journey Mapping
  • Product Roadmaps
  • Workshops
  • Competitor Analysis


  • Better-informed product roadmaps
  • Data driven decision making
  • Improved customer satisfaction
  • Competitor advantage
  • Improved customer retention
  • Validated improvements
  • Reduced-risk

Why choose us?

We recognise that every business is unique, and so are your user experience challenges. That’s why we take a personalised approach to each project. We’ll work with you to understand your goals and objectives, and recommend an approach that addresses your specific challenges. This ensures the insights we provide are not just informative but actionable.

A trusted team

Our experienced team of designers, strategists, and innovators create exceptional digital products for ambitious UK brands. They possess the expertise needed to deliver high-quality designs that meet your business goals and avoid common design pitfalls.

Flexible, scalable, and efficient

We assemble a team of UX experts with the required skills and experience for your product design. We scale up or down based on your needs, providing the right resources at the right time. This accelerates your project, increases efficiency, and enables budget control.

Tailored solutions

We offer digital product design and UX solutions customised to your business needs, whether it’s a full project or on-demand resources. Our UX support helps your product stay relevant in the ever-changing digital landscape by understanding your business objectives.

What’s the process?

To modernise a legacy product or website we must first have deep immersion into your organisation gathering the knowledge and insight to help us develop a strategic roadmap of ideas that we can bring to life and validate.

1. Discovery

We begin by immersing ourselves into your organisation through analysis, workshops and interviews.

2. Design + Testing Sprints

We have focussed design + testing sprints that bring your modernised vision to life through UX design and user testing with end users, technical teams and internal stakeholders which informs future sprint activity.

3. Handover

The final stage is to handover hi-fidelity UI designs with full documentation and structured design systems, supporting your development teams throughout handover and implementation.

4. Ongoing Support

We offer ongoing flexible support for further work sprints, continuous improvement and UX backlogs to ensure your product or website stays ahead of the curve.

Typical projects last 3 – 6 months + ongoing support

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Conduct research with your target users to uncover their needs, motivations & pain points.

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Identify your digital challenges & develop a plan to solve them.

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Design a digital product that looks great and people enjoy using.

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Identify AI opportunities and mitigate risks through a framework of research, exploration & validation.

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Bring your ideas to life and test them with real users. A low risk approach to product design.

Get in touch

Or call: 020 3740 6260

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