Develop a product vision

UX Designers working on a digital product design

Identify, realise and validate the best digital opportunities and take valuable product ideas forward


Innovativion and forward-thinking are key to remaining competitive and meeting the evolving needs and expectations of your customers.

Our Digital Product Vision + Innovation service is here to help.

Our team of experienced product experts work with you on a flexible and scalable sprint-based engagement to identify opportunities for innovation and turn those ideas into reality through rapid user-centered design processes.

Through testing and validation, we help you identify the best ideas to take forward, and which to shelve. By identifying opportunities and mitigating risks we ensure you deliver meaningful products that meet the needs of your customers and your business.

Who is it for?

Our Digital Product Vision + Innovation service is tailored for organisations who are typically experiencing the following challenges:

We want to…

  • Discover new opportunities to innovate
  • Generate new ideas
  • Validate our new ideas
  • Move innovation forward into validated designs

Activities & outcomes

Our process is tailored to each project and the activities and outcomes can vary. Below are the typical steps that we go through:

Typical Activities

  • Stakeholder workshop
  • User Research
  • Competitor/Industry Research
  • Wireframing
  • Prototype creation
  • User testing
  • Reviews


  • Define problem
  • Key findings
  • Opportunity identification
  • Architecture & UX design
  • Interactivity
  • Design validation
  • Feedback and iterate

Why choose us?

The LION+MASON develop a product vision service has been developed and refined by years of experience.

Reduced risk

Develop a new product vision based on user research and discovery that satisfies user needs and expectations.

Trusted design process

Receive fully documented designs and detailed prototypes for a product design that’s ready for development.


Stay up-to-date at any point of the project. Our process is transparent and open to our clients to follow at any time.

What’s the process?

Our process adapts to every project and its specific requirements. The example below shows a brief overview of how we develop a product vision.

1. Define & ideate

The first step is to understand the problem you are trying to solve, examine the market and problem space and explore user needs and motivations. From here we can identify opportunities and ideate around new solutions.

2. Prototype & validate

Focussing on the prioritised ideas, we would generate design prototypes and validate these with real users. The goals is to validate new concepts to identify what will truly be impactful and deliver on business goals.

3. Communicate & future planning

When successful, validated ideas are identified we help you communicate these to the wider business and create plans for full implementation.

Sprint based. Typical sprints are either 1, 2 or 4 weeks.

Develop a product vision 3

Conduct research with your target users to uncover their needs, motivations & pain points.

Develop a product vision 5

Design a digital product that looks great and people enjoy using.

Develop a product vision 7

Transform, refresh, and optimise your legacy digital products.

Develop a product vision 9

Identify AI opportunities and mitigate risks through a framework of research, exploration & validation.

Develop a product vision 11

Bring your ideas to life and test them with real users. A low risk approach to product design.

Get in touch

Or call: 020 3740 6260

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